There was another protest this weekend in Sacramento against Prop. 8. I couldn't make it because I don't have a car so it's hard for me to get out to the protests outside of the Bay Area, but my heart was with the crowds. It seems like people are experiencing a bit of the protest burn out because I notice the media isn't covering it as widely as before. For example, among the California newspapers, only the San Francisco Chronicle had major coverage. I think this typically happens as now people focus their attention to the Supreme Court hearings next year. But I hope people will remember that the protests show our solidarity and keeps our fight in the forefront. Maybe not as many and more larger ones now and then. We can't let our passion again fall into complacency like what happened prior to Nov. 4, 2008.
Link to local coverage:
"Gay Activists Protest Prop. 8 at Capitol" (San Francisco Chronicle)
Photo courtesy of the San Francisco Chronicle
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